Un nouvel espace de 150m² entièrement dédié au traitement à l'eau chaude à vu le jour en 2023.
Ce local nous permettra de continuer à assurer le traitement à l'eau chaude dans de bonnes conditions : local temporisé, surface plus importante, meilleur acheminement du matériel végétal...
In 2021, all plant material for our nursery was treated with hot water before grafting: proceeding this way we avoid delay in budding in the vineyard.
Principle of TEC before grafting: all the plant material is hot water treated before grafting : buds and rootstocks.
Vines treated with hot water after grafting show a delay in bud break of about 2 to 3 weeks compared to untreated vines. This can result in a higher % non-recovery in certain vineyards : more than 5% in certain cases.
Treating before grafting makes it possible to no longer have this delay in bud break while offering the same health guarantees with regard to Flavescence Dorée.


The Hot Water treatment comes in addition to the surveys that we carry out each year on all of our plots of grapevine vines as well as around our mother blocks : since 2017, 100% of our mother vines are prospected!
During these surveys, we are supported by the plant protection services (SRAL) as well as by FREDON (FREDON-RA, Regional Federation for the Fight and Defense against Harmful Organisms in Rhône-Alpes).
Hot water treatment consists of immersing the plant material in a bath at 50 ° C for 45min.
The TEC of the plant material does isn't a "vaccination" of the vines. The vines implanted healthy, can be contaminated after planting if they are in the presence of contaminated vines and vector leafhoppers. Hence the importance of surveys to extinguish the outbreaks as soon as possible !!!